Hong Kong Computer & Communications Festival - Web3 Asia 2023
|Hall 1
加密货幣、元宇宙、NFTs 去中心化金融和遊戲化金融

2023年8月25日 10:00 – 2023年8月28日 21:00
Hall 1, 1 Expo Dr, Wan Chai, Hong Kong
由BlockDailyHK主辦的Web3Asia將於8月25至28日(星期五至一)假香港會議展覽中心展覽館1D與「香港電腦通訊節2023」同場舉行。Web3Asia是一個致力於區塊鏈技術發展前景的展覽和研討會,包括加密货幣、元宇宙、NFTs 去中心化金融和遊戲化金融。我們旨在通過提供平台來推動區塊鏈的發展,希望凝聚本地和全球區塊鏈領域的先鋒和新手共同探索未來的無限可能和機遇。
Web3 Asia, presented by BlockDailyHK,will be held at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center from 25 August to 28 August 2023 concurrently with the Hong Kong
Computer and Communications Festival 2023.Web3 Asia is an exhibition and seminar dedicated to the prospects of the development ofblockchain technology, including cryptocurrencies,
Metaverse,NFTs,De-fi, and GameFi.We devoted ourselves to promoting the development of blockchain by providing a platform. We hope to agglomerate pioneers and newcomers in the field of blockchain both locally and globally, to explore the infinite possibilities and opportunities in the future together.