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亞洲元宇宙博覽會主席、沛然環保顧問有限公司行政總裁兼執行董事及大灣區碳中和協會創會會長 胡伯杰先生 開場辭
2022年10月18日 尊敬的陳百里博士, 各位來賓,女士們,先生們,參展商,已經在《阿凡達》中的嘉賓和元宇宙專家: 早上好!很榮幸擔任本次以「元宇宙商機與未來」為主題的亞洲元宇宙博覽會的大會主席,並第二天與大家在元宇宙中和數碼港現場見面。是次博覽會將透過多場以元宇宙為主題...

NFTIV前進亞洲元宇宙博覽會 助品牌跨越技術門檻抓緊Web3商機
NFTIV前進亞洲元宇宙博覽會 助品牌跨越技術門檻抓緊Web3商機 (香港17日訊)Web3 商機不再遙不可及!數碼港新創公司NFT Investment & Venture(NFTIV)參與首屆亞洲元宇宙博覽會,並於專題演講分享其平台如何在無需編程基礎為前提下,協助不同行...

Metaverse Asia Expo 2022 Future opportunities presentation
By Dr. Kyle Wong Dear friends, I am Dr. Kyle Wong, President of Association of BC Development. ABCD a non-profit organisation dedicated...

Education is the key to knowledge development and our future
Hi! Everyone. I am Dr Amanda Lim. I am a founder and a director of ACH Worldwide Ltd and, the convenor of this Metaverse Asia Expo....

首届亚洲元宇宙博览会将在10月17日召开 - 今曰頭條
首届亚洲元宇宙博览会将于2022年10月17至 21日举行,主题为“元宇宙商机与未来”。参展商来自亚洲多个地区,届时香港,上海和越南等地将同步举行博览会,预计吸引过万人次参与,10万人观看直播。其中,17日及18日的活动会在数码港实地举行,商务及经济发展局副局长陈百里应邀出...

Dr. Kyle Wong gets ready for the Metaverse Asia Expo 2022
Metaverse is a combination of VR/AR, Cryptos, 3D design, motion capturing technologies. Metaverse allows users to communicate, play...

CPA & clients will enjoy hassle free virtual working spaces
Metaverse is applicable to CPAs ranging from hassle free virtual working spaces to client and staff engagement as well as team building....

Welcome to the Metaverse Asia Expo 2022!
Our Expo features three thematic zones for participants to explore the Opportunities and the Future of the Metaverse. They are namely...

Avatars as integral element of Metaverse
As Metaverse brings together thousands of apps and different virtual world platforms, your own avatar under different apps or platforms...

Who will join Metaverse Asia Expo 2022?
We are proud to present the First Metaverse Asia Expo on 17th to 21st of October. We have invited corporates, start-ups, funds,...

RPA & AI talents are hot
The President of ABCD, Dr. Kyle Wong, stated "Corporations need data Scientist and Artificial Intelligence (AI) Scientist experts for the...


2022元宇宙亞洲博覽展 會場導賞團 (MAE2022)

17-21OCT2022元宇宙亞洲博覽展路演(MAE2022) ! 元宇宙商機有幾龎大 ?

The President of ABCD, Dr. Kyle, has something to tell you!
Please listen! “Metaverse Opportunities and the Future Metaverse is a combination of VR/AR, Cryptos, 3D design, motion capturing...

The Vice-President Dr. Amanda tells you what metaverse economy is
Message from the Vice-President of ABCD “Metaverse is a virtual world where users can interact, experience, transact and conduct business...

Party time! Let's have fun at the Roblox stadium together.
More avatars, more fun !

Avatar sells insurance in metaverse !
Let's meet the insurance agent avatar, Mia, in metaverse.

Metaverse cannot exist without avatars
As Metaverse brings together thousands of apps and different virtual world platforms, your own avatar under different apps or platforms...

Who will join the first Metaverse Asia Expo (MAE2022)?
Who will join the first Metaverse Asia Expo (MAE2022)? Who should join MAE2022? The revenue of materverse market was recorded USD148.5...
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